Workaround for Chrome 53 printing table header twice on 2nd and later pages? Workaround for Chrome 53 printing table header twice on 2nd and later pages? google-chrome google-chrome

Workaround for Chrome 53 printing table header twice on 2nd and later pages?

My temporary solution:

thead {    display: table-row-group;}

I posted the same issue to the Chrome feedback channels. My workaround for now was to simply remove my thead elements for a standard table row within the tbody. It's certainly not as semantically pure, but you can pretty simply restyle them with a touch of css.


<table><tbody>  <tr class="thead">    <td></td>    <td></td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td></td>    <td></td>  </tr></tbody><tfoot>   <tr>     <td></td>     <td></td>   </tr></tfoot></table>


tr.thead {  td {    font-weight:bold;    border-bottom: solid 1px #333;  }    }

I was getting the double header on the second page in chrome when printing

Adding the following CSS made it appear properly (once)

thead {    display:table-header-group;    break-inside: auto;}
