Accessing Hue on Cloudera Docker QuickStart Accessing Hue on Cloudera Docker QuickStart hadoop hadoop

Accessing Hue on Cloudera Docker QuickStart

When you run docker using -p 7180 and -p 8888, it will allocate a random port on your windows host. However, if you use -p 7180:7180 and -p 8888:8888, assuming those ports are free on the host, it will map them directly.

Otherwise you can execute docker ps and it will show you which ports it mapped the 7180 and 8888 to. Then in your host browser you can enter<docker-allocated-port>

instead of

If its all on your local machine, you shouldn't need the port forwarding.

Since you're running the docker machine inside a VM, you need to open the port on VirtualBox.

You can do this from the Port Forwarding button in the network adapter panel in VirtualBox.

Settings > Network > Advanced > Port Forwarding

You should see an SSH port already being forwarded for docker. Just add any additional ports like that one.

And here are lists of all the ports used by CDH. Of course you don't need all of them. I would suggest at least Cloudera Manager (7180), namenode and datanode UI (50070 & 50075), and the job servers like mapreduce (8088,8042 & 10020) or spark (18080 & 18081). And I personally don't use it, but Hue is 8888.

The same issue happened to me. I was able start hue successfully after increasing the number of CPUs in VirtualBox.I also increased the amount of RAM earlier. The original CPU I had was 1, changed to 3

Screenshot of virtual box cpu settings -> Click here