Apache Tez build fails Apache Tez build fails hadoop hadoop

Apache Tez build fails

Based on the error, it seems like you need git installed:

ENOGIT git is not installed or not in the PATH

Also, this might be helpful for other errors: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TEZ/Build+errors+and+solutions

Once look at this... this may help you.Reason: You are running as root or with superuser permissions.


Recommended: Run without superuser permission, or as a non-root user.

Alternate: If you want to continue as root, add --allow-root to arguments tag of exec-maven-plugin in tez-ui/pom.xml.

Thank you.

Like hadoop_user proposed, I would firstly check this website and try all the fixes but with one remark: in 3rd fix (clearing folder node_tmp) - if you cannot find that folder try clearing the following folder: $TEZ_PATH/tez-X.Y.Z/ tez-ui/src/main/webapp/node_modules/

I tried deleting that folder once I tried everything else and then it worked.