Authentication for Spark standalone cluster Authentication for Spark standalone cluster hadoop hadoop

Authentication for Spark standalone cluster

there are 2 parts to enable support of authentication:

  1. setting the secret on the master an all the slaves
  2. using the same secret when submitting jobs to the cluster

master and slaves

on each server in your cluster, add the following config to conf/spark-defaults.conf:

spark.authenticate.secret      SomeSecretKey

submitting jobs

when you initialize the spark context, you should add the same config to it as well, ie:

val conf = new SparkConf()      .set("spark.authenticate.secret", "SomeSecretKey")val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

or if you are using SparkSession:

val spark = SparkSession.builder()    .conf("spark.authenticate.secret", "SomeSecretKey")    .getOrCreate()