Automating Hive with python Automating Hive with python hadoop hadoop

Automating Hive with python

One quick and dirty way to do this, is to automate hive from the command line

hive -e "sql command"

Something like this should work

def query(self,cmd):    """Run a hive expression"""    cmd='hive -e "'+cmd+'"';    prc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)    ret=stdout.split('\n')    ret=[r for r in ret if len(r)]    if (len(ret)==0):         return []    if (ret[0].find('\t')>0):         return [[t.strip() for t in r.split('\t')] for r in ret]    return ret

You could also access Hive using Thrift. It looks like pyhs2 is mostly a wrapper around using Thrift directly.

One alternative is to use the pyhs2 library to open a connection to Hive natively from within a Python process. The following is some sample code I had cobbled together to test a different use case, but it should hopefully illustrate use of this library.

# Python 2.7import pyhs2from pyhs2.error import Pyhs2Exceptionhql = "SELECT * FROM my_table"with pyhs2.connect(  host='localhost', port=10000, authMechanism="PLAIN", user="root" database="default"  # Use your own credentials and connection info here of course) as db:  with db.cursor() as cursor:    try:      print "Trying default database"      cursor.execute(hql)      for row in cursor.fetch(): print row    except Pyhs2Exception as error:      print(str(error))

Depending on what is or is not already installed on your box, you may need to also install the development headers for both libpython and libsasl2.