Basic permissions error in MR2 Basic permissions error in MR2 hadoop hadoop

Basic permissions error in MR2

Add on your mapred-site.xml like this:

<property>  <name></name>  <value>/user</value></property>

This configuration presumes that the user account, in your case root, has its home directory /user/root on the HDFS, and the staging directory will be created as /user/root/.staging where the user account already has the right permissions.

For more information, check out "Step 4: Configure the Staging Directory" on the followig link.

The solution, simply change the /tmp/hadoop-yarn permissions:

sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chmod -R 777 /tmp/hadoop-yarn

Leaves to the imagination how it is that this directory could end up with incorrect permissions given that it was entirely created by hadoop's internal lifecycle.

(Comments would be appreciated)

First, you need to create the temporary folder correctly. Using the hadoop user, run the following commands:

$ hdfs dfs -mkdir /tmp$ hdfs dfs -chmod -R 1777 /tmp

You might want to remove the current content of the /tmp directory.

For hive users, if you have a similar problem with scratchdir, edit file hive/conf/hive-site.xml

  <property>    <name>hive.exec.local.scratchdir</name>    <value>${}/${}</value>    <description>Local scratch space for Hive jobs</description>  </property>  <property>    <name>hive.downloaded.resources.dir</name>    <value>${}/${}_resources</value>    <description>Temporary local directory for added resources in the remote file system.</description>  </property>  <property>    <name>hive.scratch.dir.permission</name>    <value>777</value>    <description>The permission for the user specific scratch directories that get created.</description>  </property>