Building Hadoop on Windows 7 Building Hadoop on Windows 7 hadoop hadoop

Building Hadoop on Windows 7

If you are using Higher versions of Hadoop i.e. Hadoop-2.6, 2.7 or 2.8, then there is no need to build Hadoop-src for getting windows native Hadoop. Here is a GitHub link which has winutils for recent versions of Hadoop.

I have also faced the similar issue while building Hadoop-src using maven, these steps worked for me.

Download & Install Java in c:/java/

(make sure the path is this way, if java is installed in program files, then hadoop-env.cmd will not recognize java path )

Download Hadoop binary distribution.

(I am using binary distribution Hadoop-2.8.1)

Set Environment Variables:

JAVA_HOME = "c:/Java"HADOOP_HOME="<your hadoop home>"Path= "JAVA_HOME/bin"Path = "HADOOP_HOME/bin" 

Hadoop will work on windows if Hadoop-src is built using maven in your windows machine. Building the Hadoop-src(distribution) will create a Hadoop binary distribution, which will work as windows native version.

But if you don't want to do that, then download pre-builted winutils of Hadoop distribution.Here is a GitHub link, which has winutils of some versions of Hadoop.

(if the version you are using is not in the list, the follow the conventional method for setting up Hadoop on windows - link)

If you found your version, then copy paste all content of folder into path: /bin/

Set all the .xml configuration files - Link & set JAVA_HOME path in hadoop-env.cmd file

From cmd go to:

<HADOOP_HOME>/bin/> hdfs namenode -format<HADOOP_HOME>/sbin> start-all.cmd

Hope this helps.