Can we load Parquet file into Hive directly? Can we load Parquet file into Hive directly? hadoop hadoop

Can we load Parquet file into Hive directly?

Get schema of the parquet file using parquet tools, for details check link

and build table using the schema on the top of the file, for details check Create Hive table to read parquet files from parquet/avro schema

Getting the schema is crucial, as you will have to create the table with the appropriate schema first in Hive and then point it to the parquet files.

I had a similar problem, where I had data in one VM and had to move it to another. Here is my walkthrough:

  1. Find out about original Parquet files are (location and schema):describe formatted users; and show create table users; The latter will get you the schema right away and also point you to the location of HDFS hdfs://hostname:port/apps/hive/warehouse/users

  2. Find out about the partitioning of your table show partitions users;

  3. Copy the table's Parquet files from HDFS to a local directory

    hdfs dfs -copyToLocal /apps/hive/warehouse/users
  4. Move them across to the other cluster/VM or where you want them to go

  5. Create the users table on your destination CREATE USERS ... by using the same schema

    CREATE TABLE users ( name string, ... )PARTITIONED BY (...)STORED AS PARQUET;
  6. Now, move the Parquet files in the respective folder (if needed find out about the location of the table you've just created)

    hdfs dfs -ls /apps/hive/warehouse/users/hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal ../temp/* /apps/hive/warehouse/
  7. For each partition, you'll have to point Hive to the respective subdirectory: alter table users add partition (sign_up_date='19991231') location '/apps/hive/warehouse/users/sign_up_date=19991231'; (you might want to do this with a bash script)

That worked for me, hope it helps.

Don't know if it's a bit "hacky" but I use zeppelin (shipped with ambari). You can simply do the following in combination with spark2:

%spark2import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveModevar df ="hdfs:///my_parquet_files/*.parquet");df.write.mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).saveAsTable("imported_table")

The advantage of this way is that you can also import many parquet files even if they have a different schema.