Change ssh default port in hadoop multi cluster [closed] Change ssh default port in hadoop multi cluster [closed] hadoop hadoop

Change ssh default port in hadoop multi cluster [closed]

SSH isn't a Hadoop managed configuration, and therefore has nothing to do with Spark, Hbase, Zookeper or Yarn other than adding new nodes to the cluster and inter-process communication.

You'll have to edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config on every node to change any SSH related settings. Then restart all the Hadoop services as well as sshd.

The related line is

Port 22

Change the port number, then do

sudo service sshd restart

In there is the HADOOP_SSH_OPTS environment variable. I'm not really sure what it does, but you are welcome to try and set a port like so.

export HADOOP_SSH_OPTS="-p <num>"

Also not sure about this one, but in

export HBASE_SSH_OPTS="-p <num>"

Once done setting all the configs, restart the Hadoop services