Classify data using Apache Mahout Classify data using Apache Mahout hadoop hadoop

Classify data using Apache Mahout

I am having a similar problem.


bin/mahout org.apache.mahout.classifier.Classify --path <PATH TO MODEL> --classify <PATH TO TEXT FILE TO BE CLASSIFIED> --encoding UTF-8 --analyzer org.apache.mahout.vectorizer.DefaultAnalyzer --defaultCat unknown --gramSize 1 --classifierType bayes --dataSource hdfs

will classify a text file based on the model.

This might get you a bit further forward, but I'm guessing that, like me, you want to classify a whole load of documents and you want the output in a useful format.

Might have to program a bit of java to do this. Someone has an example that looks like it will do what I want at

I hate to plug my own work, but we put an entire section into Mahout in Action about classification. Theory, code examples, case study practice, even an entire server farm implementation.

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