Correct way to get Region Name by using hbase API Correct way to get Region Name by using hbase API hadoop hadoop

Correct way to get Region Name by using hbase API

There is a getTableRegions() in HBaseAdmin which returns all the region info for the table name you want.

List getTableRegions(final TableName tableName)

Below is the method that outputs region name for a given table name.

void getRegionOfTable(String tabName){    org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName tn = org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName.valueOf(tabName);    org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration config = HBaseConfiguration.create();    HRegionInfo ob;    try{        HBaseAdmin hba = new HBaseAdmin(config);        List<HRegionInfo> lr = hba.getTableRegions(tn);        Iterator<HRegionInfo> ir = lr.iterator();        while(ir.hasNext()){            ob =;            System.out.println(ob.getRegionNameAsString());        }        hba.close();    }catch(Exception ex){        ex.printStackTrace();    }}

Your code produce a different result every time, because you are building a new "region" with a different timestamp every time. Also that code assumes that your table has a single region.