Could not find uri with key dfs.encryption.key.provider.uri to create a keyProvider in HDFS encryption for CDH 5.4 Could not find uri with key dfs.encryption.key.provider.uri to create a keyProvider in HDFS encryption for CDH 5.4 hadoop hadoop

Could not find uri with key dfs.encryption.key.provider.uri to create a keyProvider in HDFS encryption for CDH 5.4

This issue was crossposted here:

Main conclusion: It is a non-issue

Here is the answer that was provided by the support staff:

CDH's base release versions are just that: base. The fix for the harmless log print due to HDFS-7931 is present in all CDH5 releases since CDH 5.4.1.

If you see that error in context of having configured a KMS, then its a worthy one to consider. If you do not use KMS or EZs, then the error may be ignored. Alternatively upgrade to the latest CDH5 (5.4.x or 5.5.x) releases to receive a bug fix that makes the error only appear when in the context of a KMS being configured over an encrypted path.

Per your log snippet, I don't see a problem (the canary does not appear to be failing?). If you're trying to report a failure, please send us more characteristics of the failure, as HDFS-7931 is a minor issue with an unnecessary log print.