df1 subtract df2 not working as expected in Pyspark when the records are not in order df1 subtract df2 not working as expected in Pyspark when the records are not in order hadoop hadoop

df1 subtract df2 not working as expected in Pyspark when the records are not in order

So, I found that my data had unique ID and I used the below code to find different records when the counts are different in two datasets. If the counts are different in two datasets, in-built methods like subtract or exceptAll won't work. I even tried various types of joins but didn't work out. You may have to do something similar like I did.

df2.createOrReplaceTempView("temp2")df1.createOrReplaceTempView("temp1")spark.sql("select * from temp2 where `Order ID` not in (select `Order ID` from temp1)").show()

So, this gives me the 2 records that I had been looking for from df2.subtract(df1)

Hope this approach will help someone someday!