DFS locations in Eclipse Europa after accessing Hadoop in a VM DFS locations in Eclipse Europa after accessing Hadoop in a VM hadoop hadoop

DFS locations in Eclipse Europa after accessing Hadoop in a VM

I also got the same problem. The problem here is not related to hadoop configuration but eclipse. To fix this, go to "\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.apache.hadoop.eclipse\locations". Here open the XML file and just add the property "hadoop.job.ugi" with value "hadoop-user,ABC" and then restart your eclipse. It worked for me.

I tried by giving just one value i.e. without ABC but it dint work and I dont know the significance of this comma separated value but since I have just started the tutorial I hope to get this answer soon :)

I too ran into the same issue. I installed RedHad cgywin (openssh and openssl packages) and updated the "Path" environment variable with a path to cgywin/bin (c:\rhcygwin\bin). Then my Eclipse DFS location was able to connect to Hadoop on the Virtual Machine. Once that was successful I saw the option "hadoop.job.ugi".

http://v-lad.org/Tutorials/Hadoop/00%20-%20Intro.html describes installing cgywin.

Note: I am running the Hadoop VM on Windows Vista.

I spawned Eclipse from within Cygwin and it worked fine for me (i.e. I could see the "hadoop.job.ugi" parameter). Also, I didn't make any changes to my PATH environment variable.