distinct vs group by which is better distinct vs group by which is better hadoop hadoop

distinct vs group by which is better

Your experience is interesting. I have not seen the single reducer effect for distinct versus group by. Perhaps there is some subtle difference in the optimizer between the two constructs.

A "famous" example in Hive is:

select count(distinct id)from mytbl;


select count(*)from (select distinct id      from mytbl     ) t;

The former only uses one reducer and the latter operates in parallel. I have seen this both in my experience, and it is documented and discussed (for example, on slides 26 and 27 in this presentation). So, distinct can definitely take advantage of parallelism.

I imagine that as Hive matures, such problems will be fixed. However, it is ironic that Postgres has a similar performance issue with COUNT(DISTINCT), although I think the underlying reason is a little bit different.