Dropping multiple tables with same prefix in Hive Dropping multiple tables with same prefix in Hive hadoop hadoop

Dropping multiple tables with same prefix in Hive

There is no such thing as regular expressions for drop query in hive (or i didn't find them). But there are multipe ways to do it, for example :

  • With a shell script :

    hive -e "show tables 'temp_*'" | xargs -I '{}' hive -e 'drop table {}'
  • Or by putting your tables in a specific database and dropping the whole database.

    Create table temp.table_name;Drop database temp cascade;

Above solutions are good. But if you have more tables to delete, then running 'hive -e drop table' is slow. So, I used this:

hive -e 'use db;show tables' | grep pattern > file.hql

use vim editor to open file.hql and run below commands

:%s!^!drop table  :%s!$!;

then run

hive -f file.hql

This approach will be much faster.

My solution has been to use bash script with the following cmd:

hive -e "SHOW TABLES IN db LIKE 'schema*';" | grep "schema" | sed -e 's/^/hive -e \"DROP TABLE db\./1' | sed -e 's/$/\"/1' > script.shchmod +x script.sh./script.sh