Error Message: TOK_ALLCOLREF is not supported in current context - while Using DISTINCT in HIVE Error Message: TOK_ALLCOLREF is not supported in current context - while Using DISTINCT in HIVE hadoop hadoop

Error Message: TOK_ALLCOLREF is not supported in current context - while Using DISTINCT in HIVE

Hive doesn't support DISTINCT * syntax. You can manually specify every field of the table to get the same result:

SELECT DISTINCT field1, field2, ...., fieldN  FROM first_working_table

As specified in earlier comment distinct * not supported. Which is true.One trick can be like this.

Distinct * can be used in this fashion:

select distinct * from (select t1.col1,t1.col2,t1.col3,t2.* from t1,t2)tbl;

I have used this syntax in Hive 2.x. So I can confirm that this works.