Error while installing Hadoop 2.7.2 on Windows 10 Error while installing Hadoop 2.7.2 on Windows 10 hadoop hadoop

Error while installing Hadoop 2.7.2 on Windows 10

Spacing is the problem here. Install java as C:\java\jdk instead of C:\Program Fies(x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_91, This is worked for me in windows 8.1.

Please try editing hadoop-env.cmd (Windows command script) instead of file and set path to JAVA_HOME.

Explanation : ->Ensure your jdk path does not contain space in its path(Example : C:\Program Files\java.: here "Program Files" contains space which cannot be parsed by hadoop){If there is a space in jdk path, then install java in some other path with no space in the path name}-> Right click hadoop-env.cmd and edit with notepad -> set JAVA_HOME = (Example: set JAVA_HOME=C:\java)

This worked for me, I've installed Apache Spark on windows, with scala and scala IDE installed(using Eclipse -> Maven project as scala IDE), solved winutils Error and finally solved this error to make spark work on my windows. please feel free to ask for any doubts regarding these.

set JAVA_HOME in hadoop-env.cmd for windows7 with java jdk location without spaces in the path. I too faced issue.

Initially JDK path was - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144

Replaced with - C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_144

Now Hadoop has started properly through CMD