Exception while doing hbase scan Exception while doing hbase scan hadoop hadoop

Exception while doing hbase scan

This Cloudera hbase-spark connector seems to work:


So, add something like this in pom.xml:

 <repositories>    <repository>      <id>cloudera</id>      <name>cloudera</name>      <url>https://repository.cloudera.com/content/repositories/releases/</url>    </repository>  </repositories>

and for dependencies:

 <dependency>      <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId>      <artifactId>hbase-spark</artifactId>      <version>${hbase-spark.version}</version>    </dependency>

One thing I noticed is that this functionality doesn't seem to reuse the HBase connection well and tries to re-establish it for every partition. See my question and related discussion here:

HBase-Spark Connector: connection to HBase established for every scan?

For this reason I actually avoid this functionality, but curious to know your experience with this.

It is due to the mismatch of version of the jars you have with respect to the hadoop and hbase and the code that you are running.