Flink in ECS fails to find shaded ContainerCredentialsProvider Flink in ECS fails to find shaded ContainerCredentialsProvider hadoop hadoop

Flink in ECS fails to find shaded ContainerCredentialsProvider

The issue was resolved in one of the versions after.

I ran it on Flink 1.9.0 cluster with the following line:

RUN echo "fs.s3a.aws.credentials.provider: com.amazonaws.auth.ContainerCredentialsProvider" >> "$FLINK_CONF_DIR/flink-conf.yaml"

and the class is found and works.

You can see in:https://github.com/apache/flink/blob/master/flink-filesystems/flink-s3-fs-hadoop/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/fs/s3hadoop/S3FileSystemFactory.java

that the FLINK_SHADING_PREFIX is now correct