Hadoop 2.6 Connecting to ResourceManager at / Hadoop 2.6 Connecting to ResourceManager at / hadoop hadoop

Hadoop 2.6 Connecting to ResourceManager at /

This error mainly comes when hostname is not configured correctly ...Please check if hostname is configured correctly and same as you have mentioned for Resourcemanager...

I had faced the same problem. I solved it.

Do the Following steps.

  1. Start Yarn by using command: start-yarn.sh
  2. Check Resource Manager by using command: jps
  3. Add the following code to the configuration

<property>   <name>yarn.resourcemanager.address</name>   <value></value></property>

I had also encountered the same issue where I was not able to submit the spark job with spark-submit.

The issue was due to the missing HADOOP_CONF_DIR path while launching the Spark job So, whenever you are submitting the job, set HADOOP_CONF_DIR to appropriate HADOOP CONF directory. Like export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf