Hadoop-3.1.2: Datanode and Nodemanager shuts down Hadoop-3.1.2: Datanode and Nodemanager shuts down hadoop hadoop

Hadoop-3.1.2: Datanode and Nodemanager shuts down

I overwrote all the files under bin directory with these files and everything started working as expected

In C:\BigData\hadoop-2.9.1\etc\hadoop directry, open hdfs-site.xml file and set namenode and datanode location as




  1. Open cmd as administrator.
  2. Type and run stop-all.cmd
  3. hadoop namenode –format
  4. start-all.cmd

The key here is to run the start-*.cmd commands from a command-window opened as Administrator, and not as a user. Of course, before that you have to set-up those 4 config-files and winutils.