Hadoop - 3 Data nodes are alive up and running but the report/url is not showing the live data nodes Hadoop - 3 Data nodes are alive up and running but the report/url is not showing the live data nodes hadoop hadoop

Hadoop - 3 Data nodes are alive up and running but the report/url is not showing the live data nodes

This issue resolved - The problem is just because the Data Node/Slave Nodes are not able to communicate with the Master Node. This is because the Firewall system in the master node is not accepting the incoming connection from the data node. There are two way to react to the situation

  1. You have to allow incoming communication by the (IP) of salve nodes in Master node
  2. Disable Firewall.

I have worked with the 2nd option:Type in the following below command in the master node to disable the firewall.

service iptables saveservice iptables stopchkconfig iptables off