Hadoop: Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error in configuring object Hadoop: Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error in configuring object hadoop hadoop

Hadoop: Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error in configuring object

Can you try running the below command:

bin/hadoop jar python/hadoop-streaming-2.7.0.jar  -mapper python/salaries/mapper.py -reducer python/salaries/reducer.py -input new-input/* -output output

I removed the '-file python/salaries/mapper.py' , '-file python/salaries/reducer.py' Options

This might be not the case, but I believe this line is incorrect.


It should point to correct python interpreter i.e #!/usr/bin/python.

If it's not correctly set, then for hadoop streaming library you have to specify python interpreter in -mapper or -reducer parameter i.e. -mapper python python/salaries/mapper.py