Hadoop & Hive as warehouse: daily data deliveries Hadoop & Hive as warehouse: daily data deliveries hadoop hadoop

Hadoop & Hive as warehouse: daily data deliveries

Hive allows for data to be appended to a table - the underlying implementation of how this happens in HDFS doesn't matter. There are a number of things you can do append data:

  1. INSERT - You can just append rows to an existing table.
  2. INSERT OVERWRITE - If you have to process data, you can perform an INSERT OVERWRITE to re-write a table or partition.
  3. LOAD DATA - You can use this to bulk insert data into a table and, optionally, use the OVERWRITE keyword to wipe out any existing data.
  4. Partition your data.
  5. Load data into a new table and swap the partition in

Partitioning is great if you know you're going to be performing date based searches and gives you the ability to use options 1, 2, & 3 at either the table or partition level.

 Inserts are not possible

Inserts are possible ,like you can create a new table and insert the data from new table to old table.

But simple solution is You can load data of the file into Hive table with the below command.

load data inpath '/filepath' [overwrite] into table tablename;

If you use overwrite then only existing data replced with new data otherwise It is appending only.

You can even schedule the script by creating a shell script.