Hadoop HUE Timeline Chart is Greyed Out Hadoop HUE Timeline Chart is Greyed Out hadoop hadoop

Hadoop HUE Timeline Chart is Greyed Out

We added a UTC timestamp field into the events we were sending so the timestamp ended up looking like for example :


Looking at the index I could see this field showing up as type tdate

So on the solr container I changed the config :


In the config I replaced :

<str name="fieldType">tdates</str>

With :

<str name="fieldType">tdate</str>

reloaded the container and sent new events, the Timeline button was enabled and I was able to drag it onto the dashboard.

The dashboard still doesn't look right though because the metric I want to display isn't showing up in the list of available fields.

Looking at the index the metric field is showing up as type tlongs

Yes, it is expected a 'date' or 'tdate' field type (as the Timeline is based on a time X axis).

You can see some example in the code or directly in the Search examples (installable from the /about/#step2 page of Hue).