hadoop java.io.IOException: while running namenode -format hadoop java.io.IOException: while running namenode -format hadoop hadoop

hadoop java.io.IOException: while running namenode -format

try with sudo (I realize you changed permissions) but I would still try sudo and check if that resolves the problem.

Following steps resolved my problem -

1- sudo su

Enter your password.

2-/usr/local/hadoop/bin/hdfs namenode -format.

This has been done for hadoop2.5 in which "hadoop namenode -format" has beendeprecated hence using "hdfs namenode -format"

Check hdfs-site.xml configuration, it may has a wrong path for propertiesdfs.namenode.name.dir and dfs.datanode.data.dirIn my case it was the cause of the problem (directory was situated in other then current user's home folder).