Hadoop MapReduce InputFormat Deprecated? Hadoop MapReduce InputFormat Deprecated? hadoop hadoop

Hadoop MapReduce InputFormat Deprecated?

Although Hadoop still uses things from the mapred package internally, from the user's perspective, they should pretty much all be considered deprecated. Hadoop is extremely lacking when it comes to documentation and their examples all tend to be outdated. Luckily, when you're really stuck there's always stackoverflow

What happened is, in 0.20 they deprecated mapred classes and introduced a new API. However, new API lacked few core features, and thus old API was 'undeprecated' in the latest release. It is advisable to use old API as most likely it will be the one that is here to stay.

From the documentation:

Deprecated Interfaces



Use InputFormat instead.


Due to the weird deprecation behavior with 0.20.2 and even weirder suggestion to use an implementation after deprecating an interface, I dug a little deeper. This interface is still present in 0.21.0, with the deprecation tag removed. I couldn't find a comparable interface in the trunk at the time of this writing.