hadoop not running in the multinode cluster hadoop not running in the multinode cluster hadoop hadoop

hadoop not running in the multinode cluster

You currently have


and as the error is stating No job jar file set you are not setting a jar.

You will need to something similar to


From what I'm seeing, that should resolve the error seen here.

11/04/27 16:13:06 WARN mapred.JobClient: No job jar file set.  User classes may not be found. See JobConf(Class) or JobConf#setJar(String).

Do what they say, when setting up your job, set the jar where the class is contained. Hadoop copies the jar into the DistributedCache (a filesystem on every node) and uses the classes out of it.

I had the exact same issue. Here is how I solved the problem(imagine your map reduce class is called A). After creating the job call: