HBase client does not work under JBoss AS 7.1 HBase client does not work under JBoss AS 7.1 hadoop hadoop

HBase client does not work under JBoss AS 7.1

  • At least one clue should be in exception trace. It is strange you need hdfs.web.resources at all. Please look at your exception stack from one side and on cloudra JARs from another to see where this class 'lives'.
  • Do you really have loaded hadoop-hdfs? As far as I remember it is not 'fixed' dependency but rather implementation of some mechanics to handle HDFS scheme.
  • I'd recommend to upgrade Cloudera cluster to Cloudera 5 environment. Rather big step starting from HBase 0.96.x and Hadoop 2.3.x which is really serious advantage. For me another difference was YARN infrastructure as default MR handler. This seem not to fix your issue but if you don't do it now, you will get this upgrade complexity soon. It starts from HBase being split on sub-components rather than hbase.jar for CDH4. Dependencies look really different.

WARNING: Last point is just my recommendation based on my own experience if your cluster is yet in experimental phase.