HBase Java Client does not work (MasterNotRunningException exception ) HBase Java Client does not work (MasterNotRunningException exception ) hadoop hadoop

HBase Java Client does not work (MasterNotRunningException exception )

start your hiveserver2 on different port and then try connecting

command to connect hiveserver2 on different port (make sure hive is in path ) :

hive --service hiveserver2 --hiveconf hive.server2.thrift.port=13000

The HBase Java client certainly does work!

The most likely explanation is that your client can't see the machine that the master is running on for some reason.

One possible explanation is that, although you are connecting to Zookeeper using an IP address, the HBase client is attempting to connect to the master using its hostname.

So, if you ensure that you have entries in your hosts file (on the client) that match the hostname of the machine running the master, this may resolve the problem.

Check that you can access the master Web UI at <hostname>:60010 from your client machine.