Hbase managed zookeeper suddenly trying to connect to localhost instead of zookeeper quorum Hbase managed zookeeper suddenly trying to connect to localhost instead of zookeeper quorum hadoop hadoop

Hbase managed zookeeper suddenly trying to connect to localhost instead of zookeeper quorum

I've had same problem when running HBase through Spark on Yarn. Everything was fine until suddenly it started to trying to connect to localhost instead of quorum. Setting port and quorum programmatically before HBase call fixed the issue


I'm using MapR, and it has "unusual" (5181) zookeeper port

Hard to say what is happening with the information, given. I have found the Hadoop Stack (HBase especially) to be quite hostile to even the slightest bit of misconfiguration in DNS or the hosts file.

As the quorum in your hbase-site.xml looks good, I'd start checking with network/hostname resolution related configurations:

  • Has the nodename slipped into the localhost entry in /etc/hosts on hdev03?
  • Is there an entry for the host itself in hdev03s /etc/hosts (there should)?
  • Has Reverse DNS been correctly configured in case you are using DNS for name resolution instead of the hosts file?

These are just a few pointers in the direction I'd look with this kind of issue. Hope it helps!

Add '--driver-class-path ~/hbase-1.1.2/conf' into spark-submit command, so that the task can find the configured zookeeper servers instead of