HBase standalone failed to connect (fail to create table) HBase standalone failed to connect (fail to create table) hadoop hadoop

HBase standalone failed to connect (fail to create table)

Looks like you are missing hbase.zookeeper.quorum in your configuration.Please check this HBase guide chapter, it may help: http://hbase.apache.org/book/zookeeper.html

Also please check zookeeper is started on right port and (what happens more often) correct IP interfaces.

I'm not sure if you're on Mac, but I had this problem as well. It turns out that it was because a .DS_STORE file was in a folder of -ROOT- region server and causing a connect exception. Very strange!

Something might be related to your configuration. At first, I download HBase tar(http://hbase.apache.org/book/quickstart.html) to run HBase. I didn't follow the link to do any configuration, just download, start HBase, run "HBase shell". But when creating a table, it gave me error like you mentioned. And then, I search HBase installation on Mac, since I use Mac. I adopt to use "brew install hbase" to install HBase(http://chase-seibert.github.io/blog/2013/02/01/getting-starting-with-hbase-and-pig.html). After finished installation, I re-create the table. Success.

So re-consider your error, it must be linked with your JAVA_HOME or other configurations on HBase. Finding the answer from this way might help you.