Hbase timeout errors keep occuring Hbase timeout errors keep occuring hadoop hadoop

Hbase timeout errors keep occuring

Increase the time-out by setting the property in hbase-site.xml which will be available in hbase/conf

<property>    <name>hbase.regionserver.lease.period</name>    <value>900000</value> <!-- 900 000, 15 minutes -->  </property>  <property>    <name>hbase.rpc.timeout</name>    <value>900000</value> <!-- 15 minutes -->  </property><property>    <name>zookeeper.session.timeout</name>    <value>20000</value></property>

You can also increase the timeout in the happybase.Connection instantiation:

conn = happybase.Connection(server_url, 9090, timeout=100000)

There is an accepted (but not released) pull request for honoring None as "never timeout"