HDFS Delegation token expired even after adding principle to command line HDFS Delegation token expired even after adding principle to command line hadoop hadoop

HDFS Delegation token expired even after adding principle to command line

Issue Solved...!Added the following config to spark command line while initiating the job and it worked.

--conf spark.hadoop.fs.hdfs.impl.disable.cache=true

or you can change this at yarn config level to impact globally.

I tested it its running fine for 3 days.


This is a couple years late, but just in case anybody stumbles on this:

Disabling the FS cache (fs.hdfs.impl.disable.cache=true) means FileSystem#get will create a new FileSystem every time it is called.

Instead, it looks the app master can refresh the delegation token if you pass --keytab to spark-submit:

Even after setting this configuration, Spark job will fail. We were facing the same issue.

A token is valid only for 24 hrs. Yarn renew the token every 24 hrs automatically until it reaches the max lifetime (which is 7 days) then the token cannot get renewed anymore and needs to be reissued, because of which the application will fail.

This might help to solved the problem.https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Support-Questions/Long-running-Spark-streaming-job-that-crashes-on-HDP-2-3-4-7/td-p/181658