Hive alter serde properties not working Hive alter serde properties not working hadoop hadoop

Hive alter serde properties not working

An ALTER TABLE command on a partitioned table changes the default settings for future partitions.

But it will not apply to existing partitions, unless that specific command supports the CASCADE option -- but that's not the case for SET SERDEPROPERTIES; compare with column management for instance

So you must ALTER each and every existing partition with this kind of command

ALTER TABLE table_name PARTITION (ing_year=2016,ing_month=8,ing_day=31)SET SERDEPROPERTIES ('field.delim' = '\u0001');

So now it's time for you to run a SHOW PARTITIONS, apply a couple of RegEx on the output to generate the list of commands, run these commands, and be happy ever after.

Side note: I can tell you it was REALLY painful to rename a column before the CASCADE stuff was finally implemented...

You can not ALTER SERDER properties for an external table.What you could do is to remove link between your table and the external source.Example if is an Hbase table, you can do:1) ALTER TABLE MY_HIVE_TABLE SET TBLPROPERTIES(''='MY_HBASE_NOT_EXISTING_TABLE')MY_HBASE_NOT_EXISTING_TABLE must be a nott existing table.2) DROP TABLE MY_HIVE_TABLE;3) Recreate your hive table by specifing your new SERDE PropertiesCREATE EXTERNAL TABLE MY_HIVE_TABLE( MY_colums)ROW FORMAT SERDE '...' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ( ...)TBLPROPERTIES ( ''='z_app_qos_hbase_temp:MY_HBASE_GOOD_TABLE');

Put this command for change SERDEPROPERTIES.

alter table airlinetestcsv SET SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde';