Hive Array<Struct<>> Insertion shows null Hive Array<Struct<>> Insertion shows null hadoop hadoop

Hive Array<Struct<>> Insertion shows null

map keys terminated by ','

create external table temp (    regionkey   smallint   ,name        string   ,comment     string   ,nations     array<struct<n_nationkey:smallint,n_name:string,n_comment:string>>) row format delimited fields terminated by '|' map keys terminated by ',';

select * from temp;

+-----------+--------+------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+| regionkey |  name  |                    comment                     |                                nations                                |+-----------+--------+------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+|         4 | EUROPE | Low sale Business Region for | [{"n_nationkey":7,"n_name":"Bulgaria","n_comment":"Reference "}]      ||         4 | EUROPE | Low sale Business Region for    | [{"n_nationkey":19,"n_name":"Belgium","n_comment":"Reference site "}] ||         4 | EUROPE | Low sale Business Region for | [{"n_nationkey":22,"n_name":"Ryan","n_comment":"Reference site"}]     |+-----------+--------+------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+


To be backward-compatible, initialize the first 3 separator to be the given values from the table properties.
The default number of separators is 8;
if only hive.serialization.extend.nesting.levels is set, the number of separators is extended to 24;
if hive.serialization.extend.additional.nesting.levels is set, the number of separators is extended to 154.
@param tableProperties table properties to extract the user provided separators

David's answer is very efficient & I liked it very much but cannot understand why collection items must be replaced by map keys (Seems there is a bug in Hive based on the description as he has suggested, I am not a pro in coding).

However, this is the long version

create table regiontemp(str string);load data inpath '/user/cloudera/MohsenFiles/first_first.csv' into table regiontemp;create external table region (r_regionkey smallint,r_name      string,r_comment   string,r_nations   array<struct<n_nationkey:smallint,n_name:string,n_comment:string>>)row format delimitedfields terminated by '|'collection items terminated by ','insert overwrite table regionselect split(str,'\\|')[0] r_regionkey,split(str,'\\|')[1] r_name,split(str,'\\|')[2] r_comment,array(named_struct("n_nationkey",cast(split(split(str,'\\|')[3],",")[0] as smallint),                             "n_name",split(split(str,'\\|')[3],",")[1] ,                             "n_comment",split(split(str,'\\|')[3],",")[2] ))from regiontemp ;


enter image description here

or in Hive (Aggregation On Struct columns Hive again based on David's answer for another Q)enter image description here