HIVE insert overwrite directory with json format HIVE insert overwrite directory with json format hadoop hadoop

HIVE insert overwrite directory with json format

It seems your issue with a workaround (using JsonUDF with named_struct) is described here:

extract.hql:add jar /home/myuser/lib/json-udf-1.3.8-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar;create temporary function tjson as '';insert overwrite local directory '/json/'selecttjson(named_struct("name",,"nickname", t.nickname))from tb_test t;

Also you can create JsonSerDe-based table with columns defined, insert overwrite it and use table location instead of directory.

I ran into this today. In case you don't want/can't use UDFs,using this guideline:,this worked for me (order of column should be different also using the mapping prefix:

insert overwrite directory '/json/'ROW FORMAT SERDE ''WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ( "case.insensitive" = "false", "mapping._col0" = "stat_name", "mapping._col1" = "stat_interval")select name, nicknamefrom tb_test limit 100