Hive - Select count(*) not working with Tez with but works with MR Hive - Select count(*) not working with Tez with but works with MR hadoop hadoop

Hive - Select count(*) not working with Tez with but works with MR

You have to put tez.tar.gz file on hdfs. I think you might be miss this step.

make a apps folder on hdfs

hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /hadoop/apps/tez/

put the tez.tar.gzfile

hdfs dfs -put /usr/hadoop/tez/lib/tez.tar.gz /hadoop/apps/tez/

give the permission to that folder and tar

hdfs dfs -chown -R $HDFS_USER:$HADOOP_USER /hadoophdfs dfs -chmod -R 555 /hadoop/apps/tezhdfs dfs -chmod -R 444 /hadoop/apps/tez/tez.tar.gz