How do I submit more than one job to Hadoop in a step using the Elastic MapReduce API? How do I submit more than one job to Hadoop in a step using the Elastic MapReduce API? hadoop hadoop

How do I submit more than one job to Hadoop in a step using the Elastic MapReduce API?

Like Amazon EMR Documentation says, you can create a cluster to run some script on the master instance in a step:

aws emr create-cluster --name "Test cluster" --ami-version 3.11 --use-default-roles    --ec2-attributes KeyName=myKey --instance-type m3.xlarge --instance count 3    --steps Type=CUSTOM_JAR,Name=CustomJAR,ActionOnFailure=CONTINUE,Jar=s3://elasticmapreduce/libs/script-runner/script-runner.jar,Args=["s3://mybucket/script-path/"] should look something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env bashhadoop jar my_first_step.jar [mainClass] args... &hadoop jar my_second_step.jar [mainClass] args... &...wait

This way, multiple jobs are submitted to Hadoop in the same step---but unfortunately, the EMR interface won't be able to track them. To do this, you should use the Hadoop web interfaces as shown here, or simply ssh to the master instance and explore with mapred job.