How do you make a HIVE table out of JSON data? How do you make a HIVE table out of JSON data? hadoop hadoop

How do you make a HIVE table out of JSON data?

It's actually not necessary to use the JSON SerDe. There is a great blog post here (I'm not affiliated with the author in any way):

Which outlines a strategy using the builtin-function json_tuple to parse the json at time of query (NOT at the time of table definition):

So basically, your table schema is simply to load each line as a single 'string' column and then extract the relevant json fields as needed on a per query basis. e.g. this query from that blog post:

SELECT b.blogID, FROM comments a LATERAL VIEW json_tuple(a.value, 'blogID', 'contact') b AS blogID, contact  LATERAL VIEW json_tuple(, 'email', 'website') c AS email, website WHERE b.blogID='64FY4D0B28';

In my humble experience, this has proven more reliable (I encountered various cryptic issues dealing with the JSON serdes, especially with nested objects).

You'll need to use a JSON serde in order for Hive to map your JSON to the columns in your table.

A really good example showing you how is here:

Unfortunately the JSON serde supplied doesn't handle nested JSON very well so you might need to flatten your JSON in order to use it.

Here's an example of the correct syntax from the article:

create external table impressions (    requestBeginTime string, requestEndTime string, hostname string  )  partitioned by (    dt string  )  row format     serde ''    with serdeproperties (       'paths'='requestBeginTime, requestEndTime, hostname'    )  location 's3://my.bucket/' ;

I just had to solve the same problem, and none of the as of yet linked to JSON SerDes seemed good enough. Amazon's might be good, but I can't find the source for it anywhere (does anyone have a link?).

HCatalog's built in JsonSerDe is working for me, even though I'm not actually using HCatalog anywhere else.

To use HCatalog's JsonSerDe, add the hcatalog-core .jar to Hive's auxpath and create your hive table:

$ hive --auxpath /path/to/hcatalog-core.jarhive (default)>create table my_table(...)ROW FORMAT SERDE  ''...;

I wrote a post here with more details