How does RecordReader send data to mapper in Hadoop How does RecordReader send data to mapper in Hadoop hadoop hadoop

How does RecordReader send data to mapper in Hadoop

When does record reader send data to mapper?

Let me answer by giving you an idea how how the mapper and the RecordReader are related. This is the Hadoop code that sends data to the mapper. 1

  RecordReader<K1, V1> input;  K1 key = input.createKey();  V1 value = input.createValue();  while (, value)) {    // map pair to output, value, output, reporter);    if(incrProcCount) {      reporter.incrCounter(SkipBadRecords.COUNTER_GROUP,           SkipBadRecords.COUNTER_MAP_PROCESSED_RECORDS, 1);    }  }

Basically, the Hadoop will call next until it returns false, and at every call key and value will obtain new values. Key being normally the bytes read so far and value the next line in the file.

Where is the code that send the data to mapper?

That code is at the source code of hadoop (Probably at the MapContextImpl class) but it resembles what I have wrote in the code snippet.

EDIT : The source code is at MapRunner.