How to correctly How to correctly hadoop hadoop

How to correctly

Using awk you can do:

awk '/namenode/{print >"masters"; next} /slave[0-9]/{print > "slaves"}' /etc/hosts

Now, to do it right, you have to ensure that comments containing "slave" and "namenode" are ignored. I think this will work.

sed -n "/namenode/ s/^\([0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*\)  *s*[a-z]*namenode.*/\1/gp" /etc/hosts > masterssed -n "/slave/ s/^\([0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*\)  *slave.*/\1/gp" /etc/hosts  > slaves

To get the whole line would be the same, but replace the /\1/ with /&/.

The answer provided by anubhava will also work, but could deliver wrong strings, specially if the IP address has an error such as 127.0.0.d1.