How to get the current time stamp in PIG How to get the current time stamp in PIG hadoop hadoop

How to get the current time stamp in PIG

I am pointing two solutions

first one:

use CurrentTime(),convert it to ToUnixTime() for need to get timestamp.

Ex: X = load "xx"  .........  ; X1 = FOREACH X GENERATE ToUnixTime(CurrentTime())

second one:

Passing from command line as a parameter.

   pig  -f  myscript.pig --param timestamp=$(date +%s)   ----in myscript.pig ----     %declare time '$timestamp ';     X1 = FOREACH X GENERATE '$time' ;

You do need to use a UDF. Good news is that it ships with Pig. It's called CurrentTime. Take a look at the docs page here for all the built-in functions.