How to submit multiple jars to workers through sparkSession? How to submit multiple jars to workers through sparkSession? hadoop hadoop

How to submit multiple jars to workers through sparkSession?

As explained in spark submit add multiple jars in classpath and Passing additional jars to Spark via spark-submit you should use comma separated list:

SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder()        .appName("MySQL Connection")        .master("spark://ip:7077")        .config("spark.jars", "/path/mysql.jar,/path/to/another.jar")        .getOrCreate();

I know how to send multiple jars if used SparkConfig().setJars() but not of my use since I need to use SparkSession.

SparkConf is still applicable for SparkSession:

SparkConf conf;... SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate();