Invalid URI for NameNode address Invalid URI for NameNode address hadoop hadoop

Invalid URI for NameNode address

I was facing the same issue and fixed by formatting the namenode. Below is the command:

hdfs namenode -format

core-site.xml entry is :

<configuration>   <property>      <name>fs.defaultFS</name>      <value>hdfs://localhost:9000</value>   </property></configuration>

That will definitely solve the problem.

I ran into this same thing. I found I had to add a fs.defaultFS property to hdfs-site.xml to match the fs.defaultFS property in core-site.xml:

<property>      <name>fs.defaultFS</name>      <value>hdfs://<master-ip>:8020</value></property>

Once I added this, the secondary namenode started OK.

Make sure you have set the HADOOP_PREFIX variable correctly as indicated in the link:

Even i faced the same issue as yours and it got rectified by setting this variable