Issue running Sqoop Action using Oozie on a Hadoop Cluster Issue running Sqoop Action using Oozie on a Hadoop Cluster hadoop hadoop

Issue running Sqoop Action using Oozie on a Hadoop Cluster

Ok...problem solved.

Apparently EVERY component of the Oozie Workflow/Job must have it's corresponding *.jar dependencies uploaded to the Oozie SharedLib(/user/oozie/share/lib/) directories corresponding to those components.

I copied ALL the *.jars in /usr/lib/sqoop/lib into -> /user/oozie/share/libI copied ALL the *.jars in the /usr/lib/oozie/lib into -> /user/oozie/share/lib/oozie

After running the job again....the workflow stalled, and the error given was different from the last one....namely that this time around....the workflow was trying to create a directory on HDFS that already existed, so I removed that directory and then ran the job again.....


Side Note: People really need to write better exception messages. If this was just an issue a few people where having....then fine....but this is simply not the case. This particular error is giving more than a few people fits if the requests for help online are any indication.

I faced the same problem. Just adding a


to my workflow.xml within the <sqoop> </sqoop> tags worked for me. Got the reference here.