Kerberos: Spark UGI credentials are not getting passed down to Hive Kerberos: Spark UGI credentials are not getting passed down to Hive hadoop hadoop

Kerberos: Spark UGI credentials are not getting passed down to Hive

Spark is not picking up your Kerberos identity -it asks each FS to issue some "delegation token" which lets the caller interact with that service and that service alone. This is more restricted and so more secure.

The problem here is that spark collects delegation tokens from every filesystem which can issue them -and as your S3 connector isn't issuing any, nothing is coming down.

Now, Apache Hadoop 3.3.0's S3A connector can be set to issue your AWS credentials inside a delegation token, or, for bonus security, ask AWS for session credentials and send only those over. But (a) you need a spark build with those dependencies, and (b) Hive needs to be using those credentials to talk to S3.