Looking for Geo Spatial Library can be integrate with Hadoop Looking for Geo Spatial Library can be integrate with Hadoop hadoop hadoop

Looking for Geo Spatial Library can be integrate with Hadoop

There is a good video on YouTube called Building a geospatial processing pipeline using Hadoop and HBase with Monsanto that describes one approach to integrating geospatial data with Hadoop and HBase. They combine GDAL with MapReduce "to convert all geospatial datasets to a common format and projection."

Slides from that presentation are here.

There are bindings to a variety of different languages with GDAL.

If you like Python, then Shapely is a good choice for spatial operations such as dissolve, intersection, etc.

In addition to Esri' GIS Tools for Hadoop http://esri.github.io/gis-tools-for-hadoop/. You can also check SpatialHadoop from CS Department at University of Minnesota http://spatialhadoop.cs.umn.edu/