Mapper class not found Mapper class not found hadoop hadoop

Mapper class not found

Be sure to add any dependencies to both the HADOOP_CLASSPATH and -libjars upon submitting a job like in the following examples:

Use the following to add all the jar dependencies from (for example) current and lib directories:

export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=$HADOOP_CLASSPATH:`echo *.jar`:`echo lib/*.jar | sed 's/ /:/g'`

Bear in mind that when starting a job through hadoop jar you'll need to also pass it the jars of any dependencies through use of -libjars. I like to use:

hadoop jar <jar> <class> -libjars `echo ./lib/*.jar | sed 's/ /,/g'` [args...]

NOTE: The sed commands require a different delimiter character; the HADOOP_CLASSPATH is : separated and the -libjars need to be , separated.

Yes, job.setJarByClass is necessary. So that hadoop will copy your jar to the task trackers. If you does not invoke job.setJarByClass, hadoop will think your jar is in the classpath of task trackers, so it does not copy your jar.